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                              i-MPACT NEWS ADVERTORIALS


Professionally designed internet adverts. Creative, quality photographs and write-ups. Linked to social media Facebook and Twitter, meaning millions of readers and viewers worldwide.


Down to earth affordable rates:


1)Write-up of up to 100 words + 2 photos:

Sh3,000(2 months), Sh5,000(six months), Sh8,000(1 year)


2)Write-up of up to 200 words + 3 photos:

Sh5,000(2 months), Sh8,000(6 months), Sh 12,000(1 year).


3)Write-up of up to 400 words + 5 photos:

Sh10,000(2 months) Sh 15,000(6 months), Sh20,000(1 year)


4)Write- up of up to 600 words +8 photos(full length feature advertorial)

Sh20,000(2 months), Sh35,000(6 months),Sh 50,000(1 year).


NB: Within the stipulated time, the client is at liberty to update the advert as they so wish, including changing the photos; without incurring any further costs as long as the changes do not adjust the number of photos and words upwards.

After the expiry of the advert running time, the site administrator will pull it down from the internet, but the client will be welcome to renew the advert at any other rate or size.

Adverts can also be done in simple Kiswahili sanifu that is both eye-catching and attractive.


Take the i-MPACT AD-Vantage and advertise NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark, only you knows what you are doing, but nobody else does”.



Core values: Flexibility, Honesty and Integrity.  Call or sms 0727 283 414


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